This Xmas is special because I received one of precious wisdom about GIVING.
Most of the time I "give" with some expection in return either by favour, service, gifts, or thank you.
However, one of the article written by Archbishop changed my perspective about giving.
When we give something to someone and we expect any kind of return from them. It's not giving.
It's called EXCHANGING.
TRULY GIVING is when we give to someone who cannot pay us back in return.
It blows my mind and I start to apply it this Christmas.
Starting from last Friday, I arranged the gathering with different kind of friends.
Lending my ears for them, giving my time with them. It has different joy.
I also act like " a little santa " to give some encouragement words and token for those who were with me since I started the exercise group.
I didn't expect anything from them and I already received the joy more than anything.
I could say that this Christmas is very meaningful because of the truly joy I receive when I give without expecting anything.
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