Learned about this Kintsugi when we attended PD KKIHS yesterday with the topic "What doesn't kill you make you stronger" At the end of the session, the speaker shared about Kintsugi => mending with Gold. The word Kintsugi comes from the Japanese Kin (gold) and Tsugi (join), and therefore literally means: golden joinery . The art of Kintsugi is called Kintsukuroi, meaning “mending with gold”. Kintsugi is a repair technique in which ceramic pieces are put back together to form a new whole - the "scars" are then covered with real gold. Behind this is the idea that all things are unique - and breakage is not the end. Applying Kintsugi to our lives means being bold, rather than hiding the cracks and imperfections, we can investigate them, possibly accept them and find new perspectives in these live events. If we look at the repaired pottery with its golden scars, we may interpret imperfections as a source of strength and beauty. This reminds us of our uniquenes...