It's a pruning time for our marriage relationship. It's been a roller coaster week where our love and faith are being challenged. Starting from last Saturday, 7 days before Christmas where we had misunderstanding and caused unnecessary jealousy among us. Every day we talked about our feeling, tried to understand each other's feeling, point of views and accept each other's natural character, flaws, weaknesses and strengths. The peak was in the Christmas day itself. The night before we had a great sex and on the Christmas day itself after the mass, the evil tried to take away hubby's joy and peace. He was in the bad mood and thought that I didn't put him first because I didn't wear the outfit that we have tried the night before. At night, we tried to sort this out, I assured him that I didn't mean that way. I loved him more than anything after God but my action may say differently. The next day on the feast of Holy Family, he's under attacked by evil ...