After the beach closed, hubby asked if we want to go to Marina Waterfront for a walk. Since I was not tired then we headed to Marina Waterfront.
We hold hands and strolled around the Marina Promenade enjoying the city light and having some deep and heart to heart conversation.
We talked a lot about feeling, how he developed the crush on other girl, what his feeling status now, what his feeling about me, how our relationship is and what I feel about all these situations.
It's not easy at first when someone you love most have divided heart eventhough it's a small percentage since I have given 100% my heart.
After understanding his explanation and reassurance from him, I feel more secured.
Feeling is come and go, crush is come and go and sometimes it's just happen even when the relationship is in stability. The most important is how do we look at it.
Are we aware that it's wrong ?
Are we neglecting it and told ourselves that as long as we don't commit any adultery, it's alright ?
Are we nurturing the feeling ?
Are we fighting it back or acting coward ?
Are we giving up and blaming the situation ?
I had a crush before too and I knew what it feels, it's how we responded matters most.
I am grateful that we can talk heart to heart especially in this sensitive issue where the heart matters most.
And I told myself, this is where prayer matters most wherever our relationship is, either good or bad because when there's a small gap, evil will seep in and deceive us with its lies.
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