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Showing posts from July, 2024

Happy 1st Birthday, Franz

We celebrate our godson's 1st birthday last Saturday. It's a simple and intimate celebration with close family and friends. May God bless and guide him always to be good boy and love God

The last business trip

Every good thing comes to an end. This is my last business trip with Nikel and I want to make it memorable in the good way. 1. Meeting old and nice friends and acquaintance 2. Eating and staying at my favourite Hotel as my 2nd home in Jakarta 3. Having dinner with my parents in law 4. Attending Digibank summit, connecting with new people 5. Taking "Business class" and book 1st row seat 6. Self care (massage and creambath) Thanks God for everything, eventhough I have bitter sweet feeling but I am so grateful in the past one year, able to travel, meet new people, strangers become friends especially with the hotel staff, hair saloon and massage place.

Embrace the Uncertainty - self conversation

This morning I feel awful when I wake up, it's like my heart was torn in between two sides. R :   is telling me to be contented and embrace today without knowing what will happen tomorrow, and it reminds me of my real vocation to be the helper and life giving for the family. Supporting and praying for hubby, nurturing and providing mental and moral support to the kids and be there for the family. L : is telling me that I'm a failure, in my whole career I never achieve "success" literally. As a sales person, I never really hit the target as there's never a real target. I am applying job and no door is open, I fail to even sell myself and how can I sell other people products and services. R :   is telling me what's important in your life ? if today is your last day who will care and what legacy you want to pass to your closed one ? L :   is telling me that you are a looser, whatever you do by applying job or posting article in LinkedIn, no results right ? peop

Because You loved me by Celine Dion

For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful, baby You're the one who held me up Never let me fall You're the one who saw me through, through it all [Chorus] You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice whеn I couldn't speak You were my еyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'cause you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me Ooh, baby [Verse 2] You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand, I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love, I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blesse

Self discovery ! Who am I ? (Formation ME Weekend 12 - 14 July 2024)

It's not by coincidence that God called us for attending Deeper / formation ME Weekend. He knew exactly what we need as a married couple. Even though there are no major issues in our relationship right now except my works, I found we are less connected to each other. It seems that there's thin wall between us. And the timing was just nice after our 16th years anniversary. When we came to deeper ME weekend, we didn't have any expectation since there are no major issues to be solved. Friday session went smoothly.  We wrote love letter to each other, he thanked me for what I have done in the past 4 years bringing extra money to the family. Things getting intense on Saturday afternoon as the topic went deeper, digging our iceberg that's where the issues surfaced. I told him that I feel like married AI husband, perfect husband but had no feeling.  When he asked me what he's lacking, I said only the real feeling. I wanted him to be a real human who can express his feeling

What's next ?

What’s Next? I have just three months left, and I’m facing a million-dollar question: Should I look for a new job or start my own business? Job Search vs. Starting a Business Looking for a New Job : Given the current situation, finding a new job seems like the more stable option to supplement our household income. Industry Considerations : The trending fields of AI, sustainability, and cybersecurity are intriguing, but they’re relatively unfamiliar to me. My background is primarily in sales and marketing within the Fintech (lending) industry, specifically focused on the Indonesian market. This specialization feels quite narrow. Next Steps : I could either deepen my expertise in Fintech and investment through relevant courses and certifications or explore new certificates related to AI, sustainability, or cybersecurity, even though I lack direct experience in these areas. However, pursuing Fintech and investment seems more feasible for now. Starting a Business : If job hunting doesn’t p

The time is up !

God Gives, God Takes Away My time at my current company has come to an end. Last Monday, I received a call from the CEO and COO informing me that I should seek opportunities outside the organization. I had mixed feelings upon hearing the news. While I felt a sense of relief that my struggles were over, I didn’t expect the decision to come so swiftly. After discussing it with my husband, we thought about negotiating for a severance package of four months’ salary since I’ve been with the company for four months. I spoke with the COO yesterday, and he called me today to say that the company could only offer three months of severance, along with a request for my assistance in research during that time. Am I angry and feeling shortchanged? Absolutely. Do I regret what I’ve done? Not at all. My conscience is clear, and I have no regrets about speaking my truth. As the Bible says, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” If I did something wrong, I trust that Go

Happy 16th years Anniversary

  Today, we celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. Even amidst my career struggles, I’m committed to being grateful for all that God has done in our marriage over the past 16 years. I remind myself that these challenges are here to teach me valuable life lessons—perseverance, endurance, grit, empathy, and gratitude. No matter what situation I find myself in, I trust that He never leaves me alone. We enjoyed a quick lunch at Bedrock Origin to celebrate some wins. The steak was excellent, though it definitely came with a price tag! Happy Anniversary ! May God's love always unite us and help us to go through all the turbulences in our life. We were celebrated during cell group with other young couples.

Born to Soar - Soar with purpose - Live with Passion

During company's team bonding, I chose painting activity and I painted Japanese tote bag. It's a plain tote bag and it's up to us what we gonna draw and paint. I decided to draw and paint my inspirational animal : Eagle soaring above the sky and highest mountain. This is the philosophy of the Eagle mindset. 1. Focus on the target Eagle is able to target the prey in 5km long, its eyes are very sharp and focus on the target 2. Soaring not flipping Unlike other birds, eagle is born to soar above the clouds and not flipping, it makes use of the strong wind to fly high 3. Welcoming the storms Unlike other birds, when there's storms they find the shelter, eagle welcome and embrace the storms. Through this storms, eagle could fly higher. 4. Fly alone or with other eagle Eagle usually fly alone or with other 1 or 2 eagles, they are the leader and king of the sky 5. Ignore the distractions When the crow sit on eagle's neck and peck on it, eagle will ignore it and how it remo

The hardest fight

The past two years have been the toughest of my career, leading to significant personal growth. Over the last 18 months, I’ve been fighting alone—hunting for clients, advocating for them, navigating internal management struggles, and standing up for myself. I hoped things would improve with the arrival of a new commercial head, but unfortunately, my expectations weren’t met. During a quarterly company gathering, management presented our achievements and targets for Q3, but their goals felt vague and unrealistic. Staying true to my character, I spoke up in front of the entire team, allowing my emotions to take over, which backfired. I found myself in a difficult situation, facing the new commercial head in front of my CEO and teammates. I was frustrated because he preferred to work independently rather than foster teamwork. Both my teammate and I were new to the division and needed guidance, but all we received were instructions to close deals within three months—without any product or