I saw one of articles from internet about Lord's Prayer.
For the whole of my life, I recite this Father Prayer as a routine since I have memorised it well.
But the subtitle of this heading really struck me and change the way I pray Our Father.
They said
"The Lord's Prayer reminds us that we live in a wonderful place
Our Father is in heaven and has made us citizens in his kingdom, where his will is done.
When we live with the Father, doing his will as it is in heaven, we say GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD and trust that God will provide for us, in his ways.
When we abandon him, and no longer do his will as it is in heaven, we find that the world is not nearly as generous."
And it's so true and comes alive.
Last Friday, when I planned to prepare for Saturday's event, suddenly my hubby messaged me and asked him to accompany him to pick the kids up from school.
At first, I was reluctant, because I had lots of works to do and there's air con servicemen coming.
But somehow, I was reminded by the reading that day that the second commandment is to love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Love means sacrifice time for them too.
So in the end I said okay, however I was not sure if the air con servicing can finish on time.
He insisted to drop by and see if it's done by then.
What happen next ?
The aircon services finished on time when he's picking me up.
And after that I knew that he wanted someone to listen to him. So he talked and talked during the journey which I even couldn't remember what we were talking about haha...
Anyway, God provides.
After lunch, he left for work and the kids were sleeping.
And... what surprised me was...
The kids were having long naps, so I could finish off what I'm supposed to do before noon.
Isn't it amazing when we do what's right according to His will, He will provide
The second affirmation happens today.
My hubby went overseas this morning and yesterday I have told my oldest son to go to school by himself.
This morning, I didn't know that it's raining until my hubby messaged me while he's in the airport and my oldest son has just stepped our from the house.
I quickly messaged him and asked if he wanted me to send him to school or prefer to go by himself.
He chose the first choice.
I was a bit reluctant at first because it changed my plan. I was worry the youngest one wake up and cry, jam and many things.
But again, I did what I was supposed to do.
God provides !
Even though it's raining, the road was very smooth, there's no jam.
When I came back, my youngest one was still sleeping.
And when I sent the second and youngest ones to school, again it was very smooth.
I could do my exercise etc.
And when I dropped by at nearest Supermarket to buy bread and other stuffs for our home. I was in the queue and then there's a family that I though cutting my queue.
However, God reminded me to buy detergent since I was running out of it after seeing this family placed detergent in the cashier.
Isn't it wonderful that God provides even in the simples things.
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