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Showing posts from September, 2024

Killing Time for Something Positive

The desert isn’t so bad after all. In this moment of isolation and tranquility, I’m rediscovering myself. Here are the activities I’ve been pursuing: Healthy Lifestyle : With plenty of time, I can dedicate 1.5 hours to exercise without feeling rushed. My routine includes 45-60 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of low-impact cardio, like brisk walking or interval jogging. I’m finally getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night (plus power naps), which I haven’t had in the past two years. My mind feels more at ease, and enjoying music and the serenity of my home has truly aided my healing. Gaining Knowledge : There’s no better time than now to learn. I’m taking courses on Coursera in Fintech Innovation Specialization, diving deep into topics relevant to my career and aiming to become an expert. Being Present with My Kids : Nothing brings joy to my children like my presence. It provides them with security and support, and I’ve noticed a positive change in their attitudes—especially in m

When ChatGPT can be your counsellor

When I want to refine my text in the previous post , I accidentally typing the whole things in the ChatGPT and this is the reply that I get  Your reflection on this “desert” period is deeply insightful. It’s clear you’re navigating significant internal struggles, and recognizing these temptations is a powerful step toward healing and growth. The Lust of the Flesh : Your experience with joblessness and the challenge of trusting in God’s timing is relatable. It’s tough to feel like you’re not fulfilling your potential, but your acknowledgment of God’s grace as a source of strength is vital. Remember that this time is not wasted; it’s a period for personal and spiritual growth. The Lust of the Eyes : Envy can be a heavy burden, especially when it feels like others are thriving. Your internal dialogue—questioning the value of public shame and your perceptions of the situation—demonstrates a mature self-awareness. It’s okay to feel what you feel, but recognizing it allows you to choose a di

Led into the Desert

This period feels like my own personal "desert"—not in a literal sense, but as a time of purification where I allow God to heal my wounded heart, clarify my mission, build my character, and strengthen my faith. I recognize three main temptations I need to conquer: The Lust of the Flesh : Jesus faced his first temptation to turn stones into bread, tested on whether he would trust God’s providence or try to create his own path. Similarly, I find myself jobless despite my deep desire to work. I've applied for numerous positions, but it feels like God has closed all the doors. Trusting in His providence during this time is challenging. I often feel useless and worthless, yet I remind myself that God’s grace is sufficient to help me through each day. The Lust of the Eyes : It’s easy to feel envious when I see former colleagues securing jobs effortlessly. While I genuinely want to be happy for them, I sometimes struggle with feelings of disgust regarding how my previous company

Business and Leisure Trip (13 - 16 September 2024)

This was my last business trip, which also served as a leisure getaway. Instead of being sponsored by my company, it was generously covered by my husband. He had his own business commitments and events to attend, so we traveled together. We took the morning flight with Singapore Airlines. Upon arriving in Jakarta, we checked into our hotel and enjoyed a light breakfast at the Executive Lounge. I spent the day in meetings until the evening, while my husband attended an event elsewhere. I met my current colleagues to say goodbye and gave him personalised thank you cards and some of them gave me farewell gift too. We spent our time together relaxing and enjoying the hotel's amenities on Saturday and Sunday. We also had lunch at Gyukaku, reminiscing about the good old days. It was a sweet and brief couples' weekend. On Monday, I flew back first while my husband continued his business trip.

First and One Life Experience with Papal Mass

Last Thursday, September 12, 2024, was a truly memorable day for our family. By God's grace, we had the incredible privilege of attending the Papal Mass. My husband and our eldest son even had the honor of serving during the Mass—my husband as a Communion Minister and our son as an Altar Server. Being just a few meters away from the Pope, especially witnessing him bless the little children and people with disabilities, was an emotional experience for me. I couldn't hold back my tears. I felt the profound, unconditional love of God and witnessed the essence of what humanity truly needs. Attending the Papal Mass felt like a glimpse of Heaven, with God on His throne, surrounded by Angels and Saints, while the rest of us worshipped Him. In that moment, there was no judgment based on race or worldly success; we were all equal in God's eyes. Though we couldn't choose our seats, we embraced our place with deep gratitude. Much like in Jesus' time, people came for various re

Reset => Stay at Home Mom ?

Returning to my original role as a stay-at-home mom and wife, after four years as a working mom, feels like a new direction from God. Initially, I struggled with accepting this shift because I wanted to prove my capability, pursue career success, and achieve recognition. However, I now realize that pursuing these goals might have done me more harm than good. God, in His wisdom, chose to guide me away from a path that wasn’t right for me, stopping me before I went any further. It seems that God wants to purify and reset me for a greater purpose. This has led to a closing of many doors of opportunity, which initially left me feeling frustrated and disappointed. As I take the time to slow down and reflect, I see that being a stay-at-home mom isn’t as bad as I once thought. Many moms long for the chance to be home with their children but can’t due to financial constraints. I am fortunate to have this privilege, even though I initially resisted it. So, if God is leading me back to being a s

Count Your Blessings

In recent weeks, I’ve been feeling down, struggling with self-doubt and questioning my worth. Sharing my feelings with my husband has been a comfort; he’s been my angel, reminding me to count my blessings. As I reflect on the past, I recognize these blessings in my life: Good Health One of my first goals after resigning was to focus on my health. With the stress and high cortisol levels from the past months behind me, I now have the chance to heal. I can exercise at my own pace, and my body fat is decreasing without the need for a formal weight loss program or strict dieting. Quality Time Being at home more has positively impacted my children. They are more obedient, have a better attitude toward their studies, and their appetites have increased. They feel happy and secure with me around. My husband also benefits, feeling more focused on his career knowing that I’m taking care of the home and kids. Self-Reflection In the past, with the demands of work and travel, I rarely had time for

God is Slow

Sometimes, it feels like God is slower than we expect. But God’s seeming slowness doesn’t mean He’s inactive or incapable. Instead, it may be that we are the ones moving too quickly. As a great teacher, God sometimes needs to slow down to teach us valuable lessons, preparing us to receive His gifts and fulfill our missions. Consider the analogy of a dance or music teacher. Even though they are experts, they often need to slow down their instruction to effectively impart their skills and knowledge to their students. This process can seem slow and tedious, but it’s essential for growth. Similarly, in the story of Jesus’s first miracle at Cana, He chose to turn water into wine not instantly, but through a process. Instead of transforming the water in the wells, He asked the servants to fill jars with water from the wells, one bucket at a time. This laborious task took time, but it was part of the process leading to the miracle. In our fast-paced world, we often seek instant success and qu

Thank you card - Farewell gift

Typically, the departing employee receives a card or memento, but I prefer to take a different approach. I prepared handmade "THANK YOU" cards with personalized messages for those who have worked closely with me during my time at the company. I wanted to ensure that these tokens of appreciation were meaningful and valued. Additionally, I gave them paper soap as a farewell gift, reminding them to take care of themselves during the mpox outbreak.

In the Desert

Over the past few weeks, I have been feeling down, frustrated, and confused. After resigning from my previous job, I was hopeful about finding a new position that would allow me to continue being a working mom while pursuing self-fulfillment. Despite submitting numerous job applications, I’ve faced continuous setbacks, which led me to question my worth and wonder if something is wrong with me. I found myself questioning what God wants me to do, as it seemed that every door was closing, leaving me with the option of becoming a stay-at-home mom. I feel that I have more to offer than just staying at home, and this has been a source of frustration for me. During a recent cardio session, I came across a video from Life Church on YouTube. The message was about calming a restless mind, and one particular verse struck me deeply. The speaker shared that when Jesus was baptized, He had not yet performed any ministry work or miracles. He was simply an ordinary carpenter who was baptized, and yet

House of Transfiguration - Artwork pieces

As our kids have grown, it's the time to decor our dream house. We love meaningful artworks so here are some artworks that we bought, made, given by our dear friends Santorini canvas pictures bought in Santorini Wall clock "Christ is the head of this house" bought from Holy Cross book shop Padar Island - Labuan Bajo painted by Indah I love you - Richie and Trom's hand wax Two become one - Davindah's hand wax  The meals  The Last Supper - bought on sale at Carlo's bookshop Mount Fuji wall deco given by Ferdi and Friska Sanctuary with Holy Family