This is our first Saturday in year 2023 as I don't have any training session, I spent my Saturday morning having quality time with my beloved family.
I have promised to bring our youngest son to West Coast since last week, thus we went to West Coast Park in the morning. The kids were playing by themselves while we strolled around the park.
When we were about to pick up the kids, we saw a man with a pair of blue macaw. The feathers are so beautiful and the master showered them with a spray of water.
Curious, I went closer and started asking him some questions about his bird pet.
He explained that blue macaw was a proud bird, his natural character is they are proud as a flock and they want master's full attention. This is how they survive. Once the master ignore them for something else, they will get very stress and slowly die.
The important thing is how we manage this macaw so they are not over us and human is still their master.
The only way is "IGNORE" them when they try to get attention for eg biting, copy the sound and words etc. If we react, they will know our weaknesses and will push their way so that we relented and have no power over them
If they do a good job, the master needs to "REWARD" them so that they know that's how they behave.
When this master told us about this, I can relate since it's similar like the kids. They will try to push their limit by throwing tantrum and getting attention from us. Once they know that they are able to get it when they throw tantrum, they will use the same weapon so that we have no more power over them.
Simple and yet powerful reminder.
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