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Showing posts from November, 2018

Love Will Keep Us Together

Out of the blue, I saw an advertisement in Instagram from Love Book Online. As I loved to make and keep memories, I was curious and clicked on the link provided. I saw it oh my, it's looking cute with all the emojis and cartoons, so in no time, I created our story using the emojis and templates that they have. The printing and delivery process were very fast, beyond my expectation, the quality of the book and paper were also very good. I love it so much

Marriage is like A Body

Last week I received a news about the artist couple who decided to end their marriage. Both are Christian Family and it looked very lovable family with pretty and cute daughter. They were like the idol of other family and couples. I didn't know them personally but after hearing the news, my heart was sinking. Most of people felt pity with their kid but I felt more pity for this couple. I didn't know what caused them to end the marriage but I reckon either one or both are wounded ones. And either one or both really need help and support from each other. Thus, this analogy came just in time when I did contemplation. Husband - wife is like our body part - left and right.  After we receive the sacrament of matrimony, husband and wife become  one body which is marriage life. When we nurture our body, eating healthy diet, exercise regularly, our body is maintained to be healthy and strong. We can take more heavy loads and have good stamina to walk or even run for the fina...

A Pot of Plant

This morning when I was in the gym suddenly I felt discouraged. I felt that I have done what I could do to build and expand the family builder community but nobody seemed really care about it. I didn't need the credit or whatever appreciation but what I needed is everyone in the community takes part to make it work. I felt that I have been working all alone and everyone loves to be served but doesn't want to serve for many reasons. I started to doubt myself if what I did was really God's will or it's just plainly my illusion. What made me feeling that was when I started this #7dayschallenge to make marriage great again by doing simple acts of love, I kinda had the expectation that everyone was excited about it and loved to spread and share it to others but the responses and reaction I had were the opposite. Everyone was  quiet, there's no excitement, perhaps only one or two individuals. I felt that why is it so difficult to make the world better place. I almo...

God Answered My Prayer

God has answered my prayer. This is not prayer about increased in wealth and richness but this is about my spiritual needs. Last August, I have been doing Ignatian spiritual exercise on my own with guidance from Ignatian spirituality website. However, I yearn to have spiritual advisor who could advise on my discernments. Sometimes, out of the blue, I suddenly was inspired to write some wisdom story as some wisdoms just bestowed upon me and I was not sure if it's truly from Holy Spirit, or my own spirit or even the evil spirit who's wearing the masks. I didn't know whom should I approach or where should I seek, then last Sunday, my parish has visitors from Sojourners Group which is a group that hold guided prayer based on Ignatian Spiritual Exercise and they will have one on one personal guidance to guide us how to pray lectio devina and the discernments. I was so delighted hearing that piece of news from my church announcement and quickly I signed up for th...

A Bag of Potato Story

" A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school. For every person they refuse to forgive in their life's experience, they chose a potato, wrote on it the name and date and put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were quite heavy. They were then told to carry this bag with them everywhere for one week, putting it beside their bed at night, on the car seat when driving, next to their desk at work. The hassle of lugging this around with them made it clear what a weight they were carrying spiritually, and how they had to pay attention to it all the time to not forget and keep leaving it in embarrassing places. Naturally, the condition of the potatoes deteriorated to a nasty smelly slime. This was a great metaphor for the price we pay for keeping our pain and heavy negativity ! Too often we think of forgiveness as a gift to the other person, and it clearly is for ourselves ! " (unknown) T...

When we fail as parents...

Today is Parents and Teacher's meeting for my eldest son. I was anticipating that he's in the middle range and didn't make any trouble in school. When I met his form teachers, the teachers said nice thing about him that he's people's person and could mix well with everybody even with those outcasts whom nobody want to befriend with. As for his academics, he's not in the top class but he's doing pretty okay. Playful here and there but overall, nothing much to worry. Then, this was the million dollar question when I asked the teacher about punishment from school which he needed to stay back after class especially during the exam. The teachers were caught in surprise and so did I. They told me that they never had such punishment and in fact all the children needed to leave the class right after the dismissal. I was burning mad, I felt cheated, disappointed and couldn't help to control myself. I asked him right after meeting the t...

A Stewardship of Money

  Today our family builder cell group hosted a talk "FAMILY FINANCIAL FITNESS" and by God's grace, He sent the mentor from Indonesia, Raymond Hanjaya. As I was the person in charge for this event, I was excited and nervous in the same time because I was alone with three kids while hubby had a class somewhere else. There's anxiety how if there's a hiccup or how if the turn out was not like what we expected or how if it didn't go smoothly etc. As the days drew closer, I have planned and prepared every thing the best I could.  Then there's a voice reminded me again "What is my real motivation?" "Is this to prove that I am good?" or "Is this purely for God's glory ?" If my motivation is for God's glory, I should not be worry too much.  Imperfection is the best because we are not perfect and God doesn't pressure us to serve Him in perfect condition. I should give thanks if there's imperfections...

All Saint and Soul's Day

Yesterday was All Saints' Day and Today is All Soul's Day. There's a wonderful message from this blog "Everyone has a potential to be a saint" It's said that the first saint and martyr was St. Stephen and he was stoned lead by Saul who's now one of the greatest Saint in New Testament. And there were many saints who were murdered and because of their blood spattered, their murderer' s souls were redeemed and became saints too. Quoted from that blog  " There are the saints whose martyrdom was so beautiful that they converted their killers, murderers who later went on to become saints themselves. St. Peter Martyr was killed by Blessed Carino of Balsamo, Sts. Timothy and Maura by St. Arian of Alexandria. Even St. Maria Goretti’s killer, Alessandro Serenelli, may one day be canonized. " I've never paid attention for All Saint's and Soul's Day before, but by God's Grace and Holy Spirit who ignited my desire to rea...