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Showing posts from July, 2019

Steel in Love for 11 Years (5 July 2019)

This year marks our 11 years together as husband and wife. It's steel Anniversary. My hubby jokingly said for the past 11 years, our family was funded by steel industry where my hubby is still working in that industry. We have seen how God's hand and His providence are always with us. In human calculation, we don't have any much savings, we don't have any other properties. However, we are never in desperation. God always provide whatever we need comfortably. We still can go travelling, we still able to have good food, our children still have good education. And the important thing is our love is still strong and the same as we were 11 years ago. That's why we always remember this verse that was from our reading during sacrament matrimony. We celebrated in simple and intimate way as little family. We had dinner at our favourite restaurant : Brio Then on Saturday during our cell group, our cell group friends gave us a sweet surprise. We a...

Our Role Models in Marriage

Like what our friend ever said, in marriage life we need a role model that is close to us. We cannot have role model that's unreachable and untouchable so after pondering, it came to my mind that our role model in marriage are our parents. Yesterday was my parent's 38th anniversary and I did some reflection and pondering about what they have done during past 38 years. I came not from rich family, during my childhood and teens life, financial has been  the main struggle. My dad hold no proper job and my mom is a stay at home mom. However, from those challenges, I came to learn few things 1. God provides !  Even though our life is up and down, sometimes we face uncertainty and fear for tomorrow but God always provides and we survive until now 2. Be Faithful My mom has 101 reason to leave my dad because of the insecurity that my dad offers. However, she chose to stand by at my dad, yes they fight but they don't leave each other behind 3. Perseveranc...