Usually I never wrote Sunday homily message but today’s homily message from Fr Vinay keeps ringing in my head and this verse that I have listened it before in St Paul the apostle movie re-appeares again today so I decide to write this down as self reminder in the near future.
Today’s gospels about Jesus, the carpenter son who was being rejected by the villagers at his hometown and the Father asked us if we were in the same situation what would we do?
On the other hand, the second reading was taken from the letter of st paul to Corinthians said that God’s grace is sufficient enough and God’s power is made perfect in weaknesses meaning that we need to have faith in God that if we are in the tribulation, God's grace is sufficient enough for us to walk through that path and in those tribulation, weaknesses, we could see God's power to be revealed.
In addition, the Father said there were FOUR FORS
- FORget
We need to forget our vengeance, revenge, our problems and look around there may be someone who may have experienced bigger problems than us
- FORgive
We need to forgive others who may hurt us and also the hardest part was to forgive ourselves
- FORgo
We need to forgo our egos, pride, worldly ambitions in order to live simplicity
- FOR God
Whatever we do in this world is back to glorify God
These are beautiful reminders that we need it in our daily life.
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