Last Thursday, I attended fintech course sponsored by my company where I work.
It's really opening up my horizon about how technology can disrupt and change everything and how fast it happens and what will be the future like. I am so amazed with that and after I did my revision and search more for this future technology in finance, I stumbled with a few options. One of them is doing investing.
I have no background in the investment and it intrigues me to find out more about what and how to do the investment.
Everything happens for a reason.
Yesterday, when I sent the package to my friend, we have some casual talked and guess what, she's just telling me about investment and the platform she used without me asking her anything.
I was like....oh whatt....when your mind is thinking about it, it attracts people surround you to conform with your thought.
For me, it's like an affirmation that perhaps this is something which again out of my comfort zone but will keep my life more interesting.
In the morning, when I downloaded the app she referred, I stumbling this website about SGX academy where they provide free webinar for beginner who wants to start investing and quickly I signed up for it.
As I was planning to prepare my order for tomorrow, there's a prompting to stop all the works and attended the Builder.
I don't know what the topic is but I just feel there's a strong prompting to stay, do nothing and enjoy the PW, sharing etc.
Suddenly, my tears just flow. I was so touched by the praise and worship songs and the sharing from the speaker was like another affirmation from God.
My soul was brought back to the lake of Galillee.
There, I sit on the side of the lake with Jesus and suddenly He asks and hold my hand to walk into the water. I look at Him and He smiles and I said yes.
When we are in the middle of the lake, the doves are coming to us and we feed them from our hand.
The bird just peck what they can pick and they fly away. They do that once their food is finished.
There are messages I receive from this vision.
1. A Leap of Faith
Do you trust that Jesus will hold and walk with you to the impossible tasks ?
2. Spirit of Humility
Just take what you need and give generously to others.
The an ultimate question comes to me, what is your purpose and mission to do all these new adventures ?
I only can answer
As for my F&B, I want to share this healthy food to others and bless them and their family.
As for investment adventure, I want make the money grow so that I can purchase a landed house with a gym room, inviting my friends to share with them a healthy lifestyle via exercise and food
I don't know whether these are according to God's will but I just offer my purpose to Him and let Him purify it to make it conform with His will.
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