I realised that after 40 years, our body is degrading slowly, aging is getting real. Muscles is getting softer and fat is increasing. Stress, travelling, lack of sleeping adds into it and making aging getting faster.
Thus, I want to slow it down by making it right.
1st June, our company has officially moved to new office and we were required to WFO 100% from Monday - Friday.
I have been struggling with this as WFO fully behind desk is really not my working style. However, after praying if this is the path I should take, then be it. I just need to suck it up in the time being until I have a new job that suits me.
However, there's positive side on this WFO. I need to readjust my exercise program and time.
Thus instead of going to the gym and pay the fee, I use YouTube - Caroline Girvan's Fuel program.
It's 30 mins HiiT weight and cardio exercise. The weight may not as heavy as I use in the gym but it increases my heart rate and hopefully it supports my fat loss program.
On the other hand, I re-join again 4 Weeks Mealplan program from Dr. Marsella.
My goal is to decrease my body fat to 23 - 24% and body weight is 48 - 49kg.
So we started this meal plan from 19 June 2023. However, I did body measurement and weight on 11 June 2023.
Hopefully I could have a self discipline, and able to reject all the temptations.
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