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House blessing - House of Transfiguration

Last Saturday, we celebrated a house blessing for our new love nest, led by Fr. Benedict, a friend of my husband from NTU. We invited our family and close friends for this intimate occasion. The day began with the house blessing, followed by a rosary prayer and a thanksgiving Mass. We concluded the celebration with a wonderful meal and also honored the birthdays of our October babies. We ordered Nasi Tumpeng, complemented by delicious potluck dishes brought by our extended family and friends. We are truly grateful for all the blessings we have received, especially this new home. May it become a sanctuary filled with love, peace, and joy for our family.
Recent posts

Let it Go

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Hello Optimistic October !

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Embracing Life - Starting with Gratitude

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Reset to Zero Ground

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In the Bottom pit

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Snake and Ladder

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Killing Time for Something Positive

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