On Wednesday evening, 23 September 2009, we welcomed our first born son into this world.
I was knocked down during the operation therefore I was unable to see him clearly when the nurse put him into my chest.
But hearing from the nurse and the doctor, that he was healthy eventhough he's smaller in size, I was relieved and overjoyed.
First few days of his life was never been easy. Our life was upside down, sleepless night, helpless, you name it. I broke down during the first 2 weeks
But things getting better after three months, when he could smile, giggles.
As new parents, we did everything by the book. We scheduled his drink, time table, we sterilised his toys regularly etc.
When he finally ate solid food, it was another adventure for us. Watching him tasting different food was enjoyable moments.
Thanks God, he loved to eat and did not have problem with his meals.
Thanks to my husband, I was able to stay at home, watching every milestone, recording and writing it in a blog.
It was a privilege for me and I treasured it very much.
His life journey in details is at www.richmondkusuma.blogspot.com
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