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Showing posts from October, 2018

One Step @ A Time

Few weeks ago, after dropping the kids off to school, my husband and I were on the car to send him off to his workplace and suddenly he asked me how's my business ? Well, he never interfered in my business so he didn't know the latest development. I replied that since our products line and variety hasn't increased, the sales were slowing down drastically. Anyway, the stocks were not many as well, so I was not aggressive in marketing them again. He then asked me if there is any possibility to revive it again ? Perhaps we could be the agent for South East Asia for these AR products since our principal was more interested in bigger collaboration with big firms. I told him that I was a bit pessimistic because the products have been in the market for 3 years and there's no new product development from our principal therefore I doubted that it will be a wise plan to be the South East Asia Agent. On a side note, seeing him starting to support and encourage me agai...

I'm sorry

Who said that happy couple never have conflicts, disagreements and arguments ? It's unavoidable because we are not saints and we are not married with saints either, however what make the happy couple surpasses all those storms and turbulences are the way they communicate their feeling and respond to one another. In the Gottsman's book, he said that there are four horsemen that indicate whether you make or break your marriage. It's criticism, contempts, defensiveness and stonewalling (cold war) Most of us have those four horsemen deep within us because we are human with weaknesses and limitations. But by God's Grace, we would be able to control or even not using those four horsemen during conflicts with our partner. Just last weekend, I and my husband had argument. It's all started when we were reviewing this year's budget and expenses as well as discussing about next year's budget and our holiday plan. At first, everything was starting v...

Limited Freedom

I decided to write this from the yesterday incident which I learnt something about parenting 101 from my lifetime mentor and partner, my husband. Yesterday, when I picked my first son up from school, he was so excited to tell me about his exam results. As I have prayed that whatever results he received, I would gratefully accept it because he has done the best during the preparation, and we, as parents have done our best to prepare him so when he told me his results, I praised him. Reaching home, suddenly he told me that he would be going to nearby mall meeting his friends for pokemon games. I was astounded and reacting in impulse, I said to him No, because we already had a plan, his younger brother had music lesson and papa needed to use the car for church ministry. He started crying then he told me that he will call papa. Before he called his dad, I texted my husband to explain the situation and he actually did call his dad. I went inside the room to put the youngest son t...

True Leadership

On the Sunday, 21 October reflection, Archbishop William God talked about True Leadership. Quoted from what He said " True leadership is when a l eader puts the people above himself and sacrifice his life for others. He makes himself available to the people. For this reason, a leader is a selfless servant .  He is always the last to be served because he cannot rest until the rest have had their needs. A leader must suffer with the people and always be on the ground , moving among their people, working with them, living amongst them and sharing their joy and woes. Leaders are called to make personal sacrifices for their people. They choose to suffer for their sake so that the greater n umber of people would suffer less. But through their sacrifices and sufferings, a price for the salvation of the people, they will find peace and contentment. "  This powerful statements can be applied to the family life. Father as a leader of the family could...

Be A Light & Salt

After watching St Paul, the Apostle movie. I was struck by His words that "His task is to let the people see the truth and the light, but it's not in his power and control, to convert the people " His statement kept ringing in my head. This Saturday, both of us will do a simple presentation and sharing to share about our marriage in our cell group, I have already done my part to prepare the materials, create marketing tools, and put marketing efforts. I'm nervous and excited at the same time because we are not sure what will be the turn out. Our expectations are to touch some couples to make their marriage better and hope to do outreach to other couples who may be struggling and lost, but again His words remind me that it's not our power to influence them. Reminded by Archbishop's words of wisdom " Responsibility of the Stewardship" We should therefore assume our responsibility according to what is ours. We must make distinction ...

Love Someone

There are days I wake up and I pinch myself You're with me, not someone else And I am scared, yeah, I'm still scared That it's all a dream 'Cause you still look perfect as days go by Even the worst ones, you make me smile I'd stop the world if it gave us time 'Cause when you love someone You open up your heart When you love someone You may grow If you love someone And you're not afraid to lose 'em You'll probably never love someone like I do You'll probably never love someone like I do When you say You love the way I make you feel Everything becomes so real Don't be scared, no, don't be scared 'Cause you're all I need And you still look perfect as days go by Even the worst ones, you make me smile I'd stop the world if it gave us time 'Cause when …

My Spouse Is My Best Friend Forever

One of the reasons we still fall in love with each other because we are best friend. Quoted from John Gottman's book, the simple truth that happy marriage is based on a deep friendship. A mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other's company. These couples tend to know each other intimately - each other's likes, dislikes, personality, hopes and dreams. They express their fondness in small gestures daily. In our case, we feel comfortable in sharing our feeling, our anger, discomfort, happiness and sadness between us. Like recently, when he encountered problems in his work, even though I couldn't help him physically but by lending my ear to his predicament, it lightened his burden by half and I do my part to pray so that God gave him a wisdom to solve the problem and He did. On the other hand, when I was so excited learning something that I have been passionate about and taking the online course, I couldn't help to share my excitement feeling to hi...

Power of Mission : The Secret of Our Happy Marriage

After attending CSF retreat last August, we were inspired by God's purpose in Marriage  which I wrote before, and from the five purposes, we haven't done the last part which is Power for Mission. While we were discerning for doing that, in the same time we were discussing about our marriage, why our relationship is so different from others. Even though we have been married for 10 years, but we still fall in love with each other every day. When I or my husband are apart because of business trip or I'm travelling alone, we are longing for each other. We can't wait to come home to see, hug and kiss each other. When we compare with others' relationship surround us, which most of them said that since the arrival of the children, everything is no longer the same. The passion and enjoyment sometimes have long gone. They may live in the parallel life and what make them together because of the children. When they talk, they always discuss about the children. Whe...

A Slave Vs A Free Man

Reflecting on Archbishop's wisdom words about wealth, happiness and success, I was inspired by this wisdom while I'm praying during my daily devotion. It's about ATTACHMENT and DETACHMENT , It's about being the FREE MAN and being the SLAVE. There are some bible verses in the bible about being freedom. And most of us don't really understand what it means by being FREE.  When our mind, our heart, our body are attached to something, we are no longer free. Being FREE meaning that we are detached from anything that causing us becoming hunger for more and chasing them endlessly. Things in this world like money, power, recognition, approval, health are all in neutral position. There are neither good nor bad. However, we are the one who have a free will to choose whom we wanna be From my reflection, there are some different characteristic of being Slave and a Free Man. 1. FREE MAN is Detached, SLAVE is attached For eg, when we are the ...

New Definition of Happiness and Success

This is the wisdom from our Archbishop William God about wealth. In this time and age, world has planted the new definition about success and happiness. People are chasing their dream to acquire more wealth, retire early, enjoy life etc but will they be happy ? When they chase the wrong thing, they will always be hungry for more and never be contented. So hopefully this wisdom words will remind us and our children to focus on what God asks us to do instead of being trapped by what the world see There is this instinct in every man to seek justice. No one seems contented with what they have . We never have enough to satisfy us. How often have we had siblings fighting over their parents’ estate because they felt that they did not get their fair share! The principles of justice are highlighted in today’s scripture readings. Firstly, everything belongs to God. Creation is given to all of humanity. No one owns the earth. It is the common property of all. So wheneve r we h...

Household of Faith

Here we are at the start committing to each other By His word and from our hearts We will be a family in a house that will be a home And with faith we’ll build it strong Chorus: We’ll build a household of faith That together we can make And when the strong winds blow it won’t fall down As one in Him we’ll grow and the whole world will know We are a household of faith Now to be a family we’ve got to love each other At any cost unselfishly And our home must be a place that fully abounds with grace A reflection of His face

Final Season of Couple Empowerment Program (October 14th, 2018)

Last Sunday also marked the end of our 10 weeks journey at Couple Empowerment Program. We already knew most of the topics either from the retreat or our family builders group but something new take back was about giving life. As I wrote previously that I have been struggling about Nature Family Planning, I had more clarity during the session. It's alright not to have anymore kids for good reasons like money or time constraints etc but the method should not make the fertile process infertile. What we need to learn is SELF CONTROL especially during the fertile season. As we prayed for God's clarity and wisdom, He answered our prayer, the CEP brought the NFP team who helped us to do the right NFP method. Well, hopefully it will give us clarity about NFP method to guide us to have holiness during our sexual intercourse. We closed the journey with Marriage Renewal Vow during Sunday Evening Mass and received certificate and book from our dear couple presenter, Bernard and ...

Double October Birthday

Last Sunday we had another family gathering to celebrate my mom's and Ted late birthday celebration. We only invited our relative and close family but it already filled up our little home with warmth. The laughter, the chattiness brought the complete joy in our family. My mom prepared all the food and it looked like a grand buffet feast with my childhood favourite food brought specially from my hometown. In the evening, we have another dinner celebration at Swensens Happy Birthday Mama and Ted ! May God bless both of you with more wisdom, health and all blessings !

Breakfast Date ( October 13, 2018)

After finishing delivering food, we had ample time for breakfast thus we took this time to have couple breakfast date at Novena Square

Petitionary Prayers

This article was written by our Archbishop William God for daily reading and reflection and I found it interesting and inspiring, thus I re-write it again here. Sources : Archbishop William God Fb page Can we really believe that if we ask, seek and find persistently enough, we will surely get what we want in life? The reverse seems to be more true because there are many instances in life when the more we ask, the more we do not get; the more we seek, the further away we get; and the more we knock, the more we are ignored. In matters of faith and love, they are pure gifts from God. They cannot be attained simply by human persistence or effort. Even before we ask for anything, God has already given to us because He knows what we need. Does it mean therefore that we should give up praying, especially the prayer of petition? Of course not! What is the value of the prayer of petition then? Firstly, the prayer of petition is but a prayer of discernment. The truth is, we become ...

Trust in God's providence

Currently we are in dilemma as hubby wants to take Finance course next month. The fee for this class is a hefty sum for us since we have very limited resources. At first, I am a bit reluctant because of my own case when hubby encouraged me to take this course last year, I thought I wanted to give it a try and perhaps it could be another source of income, but after almost a year I ended up abandoning it for many reasons or excuses to be exact, either I don't have enough time to study further or it's not my interest in the first place etc and I had this little regret for money that wasted and I called it failed investments. Thus, when he wants to take this course this year, I have this uncertainty and anxiety if this would be a good or another failed investment. Another reason why I am reluctant to let go this sum of money for the course is we have already planned to go to Holy land next year and it would take a hefty sum too ; almost third of our saving accounts. If he...

Live in the presence

Few days ago, I was suddenly inspired by this wisdom words "Live in the moment" As human especially in this new age, we tend to rush and worry about tomorrow and the future. We seldom live in the presence. What does mean "live in the presence" ? It means we enjoy every moment of our situation right now. It may be undesirable situation or even it may be a comfortable situation. When I reflected back about my life, when I was working a decade ago, I always thought to be a housewife and stay at home mom would be a perfect job. But when this "dream job" has come true, I was thinking how to earn more and more money either for my self fulfilment or this family. In the end, I was not be able to live fully either becoming a working adult or staying at home mom. But when this "live in the presence" suddenly struck me, it reminds me to enjoy "now" moments. As God has called me to be a stay at home mom, I should make b...

Searching date (Oct 10, 2018)

Today is the birthday of our youngest son, we celebrated his birthday in school and while waiting for his school finished, we seized the opportunity to watch the movie show "SEARCHING" Hubby has watched it in Korea while he had a business trip, but he didn't gave me any clue except that the movie was very good with unexpected ending and twists. So we decided to watch it together and turned out that it's really good movie. I love the twists and unexpected ending. Synopsis After his 16 year old daughter goes missing, a desperate father breaks into her laptop to look for clues to find her. Most of the scenes are from computer screen.