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Showing posts from April, 2020

Celebrating Our Housekeeper's Birthday (21 April 2020)

Our housekeeper, mbak Sugi has been 2 months with us. So far, we were satisfied with her performance. She's fast learner, humble and pure. She never talked back to us. We gave her a surprise birthday celebration to make her feel like home. She's cry of joy when we gave her surprise. Hopefully, she could work with us for at least 2 years and make us as her family too.

Self Doubt - Peace

Self doubt is the most undesirable circumstances that I feel it's not easy to grasp. Drifting here and there without any certainty and clarity. Confused between the truth and manipulation. Doubting who I am and what I am doing. Feeling like I'm not who I am. It's all started few months back when I didn't feel comfortable during our regular business meeting about goal and target. There's nothing wrong with having goal and target, but I just feel unnecessary pressure upon me. When I joined this networking business, my goal is actually purely sharing what I use, the benefits I use and not exactly for money. However when our leader starts to set the goal as well as individual goal, I feel like sales people in the company with monthly target. I rarely have a joy in doing it other than pressure. I started doubting myself, questioning what I am doing and who I really am. Then it's flashed back last year when I was contemplating three op...

The Encounter Movie

Synopsis The Encounter   follows 5 strangers living in   California : Nick, a former   NFL   player and owner of a chain of burger restaurants; Hank and Catherine, whose marriage is falling apart; Melissa, a Christian on the way to visit her boyfriend (who is an   atheist ), and Kayla, a hitchhiker escaping her horrible living conditions in   Los Angeles . When a detour road is closed off, the 5 are stranded in a diner with its omnipresent owner, who discreetly reveals himself to be   Jesus , and attempts to help each of the patrons to face the truth in his or her life, particularly its dark side, to seek repentance and go for reconciliation. Along with serving them, Jesus helps Hank and Catherine re-establish dialogue as a couple, helps Melissa think of the long-term difficulties she will face in a relationship, and marriage, with her boyfriend who is a non-believer, and helps Kayla find in her heart the strength to forgive her abusive step...

Sin & Forgiveness

What is Sin ? Sin happens when we disobey God's commandments. Either it's big or small, sin is still sin and once we disobey God, it covers up our mind, heart, and soul and create huge border in between heaven and hell. How the sin happens ? It's started from desire and temptation. The evil knows our weaknesses very well more than ourselves. Once, we step apart from God, he will attack this little hole in our life. He starts with deceiving. He shows us the sweetness and goodness, sometimes he can quote from the bible too. Once we are trapped, he never lets us go. The more we want to get out, the more he pulls us down with all deceives. What's the consequences of sin ? We start to doubt ourselves, doubting God, doubting others. We will be confused between truth and lies. Slowly, we will be blinded and couldn't see what the truth is. In the end, we rely on our own strength and understanding because we thought that God has left us a...

Waktu Tuhan

Bila Kau ijinkan sesuatu terjadi Ku percaya semua untuk kebaikanku Bila nanti telah tiba waktuMu Ku percaya kuasaMu Memulihkan hidupku Waktu Tuhan pasti yang terbaik Walau kadang tak mudah di mengerti Lewati cobaan, ku tetap percaya Waktu Tuhan pasti yang terbaik Bila Kau ijinkan sesuatu terjadi Ku percaya semua untuk kebaikanku Bila nanti telah tiba waktuMu Ku percaya kuasaMu Memulihkan hidupku Waktu Tuhan pasti yang terbaik Walau kadang tak mudah di mengerti Lewati cobaan, ku tetap percaya Waktu Tuhan pasti yang terbaik Waktu Tuhan pasti yang terbaik Walau kadang tak mudah di mengerti …

Easter Reflection 2020 (by Hubby)

Today is Easter Sunday 12 th  April 2020 and suddenly I have this unusual calling to put this in writing with theme of “Waktu Tuhan” (God’s Time) – inspired by yesterday’s Cell Group (CG) session which was one of the best (if not, the best) that I, or hopefully we, have ever encountered. All these years, usually we skip having CG on Holy Saturday and plan do the same this year; but last week it is apparent that most of us are available at home anyway (thanks to COVID-19), hence for the first time we decided to have CG on Holy Saturday (on virtual meeting “Zoom” as we had it the last two weeks). Not much expectation nor anything special – and thought it will be just usual CG and even with a bit “lost of touch” because we can’t meet physically in the excitement of Easter. Well, I guess none of us was really aware that God’s first sign was already there (CG on Holy Saturday for the very first time). It started as usual with our Praise and Worship (PW), it is wifey turn t...

Happy Easter 2020

For the first time, we celebrated Easter at our home sweet home. We attended onlin Easter vigil on Saturday evening and we had art and craft creating Easter Greeting Cards. It's simple but the kids love it too. In the evening, we had easter dinner with our loved ones at home sweet home. Menu of the day : - Roasted Chicken (Bought from Finest NTUC) - Beef Steak (cooked by hubby) - Steamed vegetables (by housekeeper) - Mashed potato (by Richie and me) - Fruits

Cooking With Kids - pizza and martabak (April 2020)

As we were entering lockdown and most of us were advised to stay at home. We did something we never do before which is cooking together. I bought ready made pizza base, tomato paste, shredded cheese and sausages for pizza. We had extra tofu, so I asked our housekeeper to mash it and I put some seasoning and egg as filling for our martabak. I made it simple for the kids and for our housekeeper so the table won't so messy. Turn out, the kids enjoyed so much and looking forward next cooking season.

Birthday Surprise April 2020

Life is full of surprise and indeed this year is special birthday because thanks to Covid-19, we have no choice other than staying at home celebrating my special day. However, I feel so grateful because of the love poured upon me by my family and friends. Early in the morning, hubby gave me a surprise "Breakfast in bed" He cooked his specialty since college, Martabak Mie and we watched Netflix together in the morning. After I am doing my morning exercise, another surprise came in front of the door which is birthday cake from my office team. It's very thoughtful. Almost lunch time, there's another lunch surprise by our dear friend who ordered the set lunch including my favorite cake so we can have good lunch at home with our kids. I'm so so grateful for what God has done in my life, from all little things and I will never take for granted for things that I have right now. I really appreciate every little things that happen in my l...

A week of God's Providence

This is just a reflection of my new status as Working Mom. I started work at 1st April and today is exactly one week. When I woke up this morning, I felt so grateful for what God has done in my life especially in the past one week. He provided for me the small little things. I am so grateful for understanding bosses who never do micromanage or push me and especially this week that the kids would be home based learning, I told them that I'm a little bit slow response. I am grateful for the colleagues who easy to be pleased and no office politics and we are like one family, supporting and cheering up each other I am grateful for the projects that were assigned to me, because I can use my gifts and talents in the optimal way to serve this company as well as make the bosses job much more easier. I am grateful that I could work from home and manage my time without people asking what I do right now. I am able to exercise and pray in the morning before starting ...

April Love and 38th Birthday (April 2020)

On Saturday, we had a couple time dating celebrating my birthday in advance as well as our 12 years civil marriage anniversary. I chose this restaurant heard from my friend, it's French cuisine. I made a reservation too. The food was nice, the ambience was good and we enjoyed each other companion. After that, we strolled along Orchard Road and talked anything under the moon. Thank you Lord for the quality time we had before lockdown, thank you for your blessings that we were able to enjoy nice food and thank you for giving me best hubby, well behaved children and helpful housekeeper so that we could have quality time without worrying at home.