Today is Easter Sunday 12th April 2020 and suddenly I have this unusual calling to put this in writing with theme of “Waktu Tuhan” (God’s Time) – inspired by yesterday’s Cell Group (CG) session which was one of the best (if not, the best) that I, or hopefully we, have ever encountered.
All these years, usually we skip having CG on Holy Saturday and plan do the same this year; but last week it is apparent that most of us are available at home anyway (thanks to COVID-19), hence for the first time we decided to have CG on Holy Saturday (on virtual meeting “Zoom” as we had it the last two weeks).
Not much expectation nor anything special – and thought it will be just usual CG and even with a bit “lost of touch” because we can’t meet physically in the excitement of Easter. Well, I guess none of us was really aware that God’s first sign was already there (CG on Holy Saturday for the very first time).
It started as usual with our Praise and Worship (PW), it is wifey turn to lead this time. A little bit surprised that suddenly her tears (of joy and thanksgiving) flowing after the first song – then she continued with sharing on how she has seen God’s marvelous works through each of us citing instances the struggle of our friend J&S and how their song “Waktu Tuhan” in Instagram touched her so much, and also how our friend W&E overcome the struggle when her mom was hospitalized (now she has rested in peace) and his struggle in finding new job. Every struggle that becomes victory become “real God’s works” and she is so blessed to be part of this community journeying and in the end witnessing miracles of God’s works.
In short, as we continued the CG with sharing and also teaching and then sharing again – while usually none of us have really “great” stories (we still count small blessings of course) but this particular session was really different with so much “great” stories flying and flowing (recent stories and also yesterday) as follow:
1. J&S struggled with their baby that three specialists (in Singapore!) diagnosed he couldn’t survive birth. This small community of ours kept him in prayer and today he is a healthy 4 months baby boy. They also shared how recently his salary took a hit but unbelievably its landlord is kind enough waiving 30% of their rent. His citizenship was also approved last week. Indeed when “Waktu Tuhan” is due, no obstacle can forbid. Praise God!
2. W struggled finding a new job, if I can remember, for more than one year. So many interviews (10 or more may be) and so much prayers have been offered but somehow none turned be a real new job. During our lent season (and also early COVID-19 period), he finally secured a new job and will start on Easter Monday. Another “Waktu Tuhan” story unfolds!
3. R&S came to Singapore last year, S was struggling to find job and couldn’t find any. After almost one year, R was also devastated on the job and almost called it quit. In the brink of giving up life in Singapore, they both secured new jobs. So much against all odds that during normal time there’s no job to secure, but during this COVID-19 period where it’s almost impossible to find jobs, they had them.. not one, but two altogether… “Waktu Tuhan” is really amazing!
4. H&S announced they’re expecting a baby girl, yeahh another new life bestowed on their family and this community (let’s keep praying for healthy journey and smooth delivery). Then H continued with his inspiring story how he started with a very low job in IT doing an office boy job, keeping his ego at bay, and today he is the lead IT in MNC company overseeing almost 10 people – leading with hearts and transparency. Yes, one need to wait in humbleness for “Waktu Tuhan” to come on its way.
5. R shared how his office politic made him no choice other than to quit in 2013 and how the last straw (new project – given by God) made him through and even brought him to Singapore in 2014 – and yes he became one of the pioneers of this CG. God allowed the struggles and he emerged victorious – keeping the job at even higher level and even inspired the birth to this new and vibrant community in Singapore. Indeed when one is “giving up” to the plan of God and His guidance, “Waktu Tuhan” will take over and new heavenly door will open and becomes a testimony – to evangelize!
6. D shared how God provided a new job 3 years ago (reluctant to take but God wants him to take) and only to find out that after more than one month – his direct boss resigned and his equal was forced to leave, left him alone with 4 months to wait for the probation period to be over with nothing much to do (for human level). But God has made him through with “His project” and “His sales”. Indeed another testimony of “Waktu Tuhan”!
7. I shared how COVID-19 has taken away a portion of her husband’s salary, but on Maundy Thursday mass she witnessed her neighbour “lost” everything due to fire. She reflected how one shall be grateful in whatever we have. We just have to be patient in waiting for “Waktu Tuhan” to enfold someday to make us understand all of His plan.
8. D shared how this COVID-19 situation has made his husband able to bond so much with their 1-year baby girl – she felt really blessed to witness this bonding which she has been yearning for a long time but could not see any possibility due to his husband’s work commitments. Again, “Waktu Tuhan” gives this wonderful and precious opportunity for what human think it is impossible.
Towards the end of the session, we decided to offer and sing “Waktu Tuhan” – thanks to R’s holy inspired guitar melodies (every time he plays guitar, I always feel it is a heavenly song) , it is so lively flowing that all of us can feel how Holy Spirit touched every heart of ours even though it was only through “Zoom” virtual meeting.
I guess what Archbishop said last night during the vigil mass is really true that in the end it is always spiritual union that counts, and not physical union (just like all the other years we had). I also couldn’t agree more with his homily last night that this COVID-19 period is really to give us a break of going through the motion, reflect in quietness to prioritize what is “really” important in our life (things that we take so much for granted all this while). So that when this episode is over:
- Everyone will look and attend church differently like never before – when we look to each other as parishioners (as community that we never appreciated before – young and old, disabled or abled, different races, rich or poor), when we sing the song (as individual and congregation), when we receive the body of Christ (in physical communion), and when we serve the church (with spirit full of flame).
- Our CG will be a totally different place and atmosphere – things that we thought is just a routine and take for granted most of the time – will turn to be the happiest “our little corner” where we can exchange our Godly stories, empower each other, keep praying for anyone in needs until Godly victories emerge, sing every song with our heart crying out for joy, thanksgiving, and perseverance!
Yes, we are in the reformation period right now. As God has led the Israelites from the Egyptians through raging water of Red Sea – we will too let God lead us for one more time so that we can be a better Christian for our family, our community, our church, and make the world as a better place. Happy Easter everyone and rejoice in the Lord!
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