Is there any affair proof marriage in this age ? I myself wondering if there's such thing especially with the powerful influence of social media and internet, marriage is prone to fail how strong we think our love and marriage is.
It doesn't mean that we have no more hope in marriage but this is a wake up call not to lower our guard against our "enemy" who loves to deceive us.
I thought that our marriage is strong enough to handle all those temptations. We do almost everything the bible and wise man say how to build strong marriage foundation.
We put God first, pray together and serve God together in the church and ministry.
We communicate openly a lot almost every day
We spend quality time together every weekend
However, we lack of something which is the spirit of humility and we trap into self righteous mode. We thought that we are the perfect couple since we have done all those things above. We lower our guard and let the devil deceive our mind with envy, jealousy, lust.
Thanks God since we have put small deposit now and then in our love back account, we could stand up again when we fall. We recover by coming back to the rules above
1. Put God first above everything, asking God's grace and merciful heart to forgive one another and strength and courage to admit that we are wrong and not blaming one another
2. We talk our feeling and share our vulnerability to one another, what we like and don't like about our partner so we could change to be a better person
3. Spending quality together, reminiscing the place where we started dating really help to bring beautiful memory and remind us what make us fall in love to one another
The past weeks have been rough weeks for us when trust is tested to the limit, thanks God we overcome it together and our love is getting stronger each day. There's always wound in our heart which only time can heal, but the most important thing is we are able to forgive each other and accept each other flaws.
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