Love until it hurts. After Thursday night when he threw me to the hell 9, he promised to win my heart back and he has done his best to shower me with love and affection.
On Friday, he hugged and kissed me a lot and made me the only princess in his life. I was so touch and finally gave in. We had a great sex on Friday night.
The next day, he asked me to have breakfast together while waiting our youngest son having soccer. I felt his love and can't say no when he hugged and cuddled me when we arrived at home and we had another sex and that's another best 2. We felt so connected and never felt this strong before.
After that, we had lunch and shopping to renew our wardrobe. In the afternoon, he asked me to watch him playing badminton. This was my first time also watching him playing the sport that he's good at. He's so cool and made my heart melted.
After settling down the kids, we had late dinner at Opio bar and had night strolling before ending the day with another great sex.
I was so in love with him, the feeling that I never feel as strong as before. I told him that he managed to win my heart back to 95%.
I still reserved my 5% to see how he behaves when we meet the woman he had fling one of these days.
Nevertheless, this is one of the best day in my life and hopefully he won't ruin it and throw me back to the hell again.
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